We want to Thank EVERYONE who made it out to the 2024 External link opens in new tab or windowMB Canary and Finch Club Display yesterday. To guess how many guests we had is impossible! A LOT of new faces, some return faces (great to catch up with you!), new members set to join, and a younger generation full of excitement for birds! ❤️ Thank you so much Nicole and the staff at External link opens in new tab or windowShelmerdine Garden Center for hosting us and providing tables/chairs for this annual tradition. Thank you to External link opens in new tab or windowLori Christianson for bringing our members coffee and snack! Thank you to Woodland Aviary for helping set up the day before, bringing Doves, BIRD and seed education to our event... Thank you to all of our registered members for spending the day educating the public on your birds, taking the time to bring your birds and helping take down from the event! Lastly, Thank you to our events Coordinator Jessie Christianson for all your hard work and dedication to the fine tunes details of the club including your memorial piece for our dear External link opens in new tab or windowDennis Swayze. We appreciate you all!
Here's to another Fantastic Display!