It was decided to have spring luncheon meetings in lieu of dinner meetings.
Spring Luncheon Meeting
Famous Dave's BAR-B-QUE
March 23, 2024
Report of Lunch/Meeting:
On March 23 2024 we had another wonderful and well attended lunch meeting at Famous Dave’s in Winnipeg. We had a few cancellations, but still almost 20 people there. The atmosphere was great and we all seemed to have a good time (re)connecting with one another. Lots of bird talk and sharing of ideas.
Chair lady Nancy led the meeting which showed the club to be in good position. We talked about the finances, memberships (please if you haven’t renewed do so ASAP as we are well into 2024). We spoke about upcoming events and meetings. Jessie is already pretty busy with the Pet expo where we will have a booth this year. If you have some time you can set aside to help, please contact Jessie. We also spoke about the Facebook members vs full club members and if we have to change anything there. This will be thought about, talked about and brought to next meeting again. We have members not just from Winnipeg but from all over and it's nice that we have the opportunity to meet at times together and have such good contacts.
Big thank you to Famous Dave’s for the good food and nice facility. Looking forward to the next BBQ meeting in the park. Details to follow.
Last but not least, thanks to the MCFC leadership and admin for keeping the events, newsletters, meetings, bulk orders and avian information going.
Maxime's Restaurant, March 25, 2023
Nineteen people, including members and family, were in attendance. It was nice to see some out of towners that were able to make it since it was on a Saturday and early in the day. Everybody had a good time with lots of laughs and conversations about our birds.... and other interests.
It was agreed to substitute luncheons and BBQ's throughout the year in lieu of monthly meetings. There is a larger turnout and we are able to better socialize.
Our annual display was discussed. If all goes as planned, it will be held at Shelmerdine's on Saturday, September 23, 2023. Please contact Jessie, our Display Co-ordinator, and let her know if you will be displaying some of your birds, are willing to volunteer in some capacity, and/or have cages you are storing for the club. We will also be looking for donations to auction at the display. She can be reached by email, jessie_ch4@hotmail.com, or text 204 792 9563.
Unfortunately this is the only image we have of this event.